(at what stage does this become obsessive-compulsive?)
recap, I’m aiming to watch 450 films by the end of the year but a minimum of 80% of that total has to be stuff which I have never seen before.
Okay, so I’m no longer reviewing every film I watch. In theory, that should give me more time to actually watch films. Yeah? Not so.
As well as working, I’m now filling my evenings with a mixture of evening classes and writing for
http://www.reelscotland.com/. There are a few reviews up
on there but, as fun and rewarding as it is, it’s time consuming in terms of the background mechanics of the site.
If anything, since stopping reviewing everything my viewing has decreased. There was a sizeable few-day chunk of April where I didn’t watch any films and a spattering of days throughout where I saw nothing. As such, it’s the first month of 2010 thus far where I’m actually disappointed with the stats.
So, here's where I stand at month 4's end:
April:Total films watched:
28First-time viewings:
27Percentage of first-time viewings:
96.4%Cumulative monthly total:
131Cumulative monthly first-time viewings:
120Cumulative monthly percentage of first-time viewings:
91.6%Best Films:
The Cove,
Cemetery Junction,
The Ghost,
Perrier’s Bounty,
À Bout De Souffle,
I Am LoveWorst Films:
Bitch Slap,
2 Days In The ValleyApril 2009 Comparison:Total films watched:
33First-time viewings:
24Percentage of first-time viewings:
72.3%Cumulative monthly total:
128Cumulative monthly first-time viewings:
103Cumulative monthly percentage of first-time viewings:
80.5%So, a third of the way through the year now and this month my figure was a daily average of less than one film a day.
Not only that, despite a decent start to the year I’m now only three films ahead of my total of this time last year.
My first-watched figure remains impressively high. I’m barely rewatching anything. I’m very happy about this. As I’ve made clear from the start of this year’s challenge, I’m looking to see as much as possible and don’t see the point in my total being made up largely of stuff I’ve seen before.
So, I’m hoping things like the Edinburgh International Film Festival in June will allow me to bolster my figures, certainly in terms of seeing new films. I’m banking on that to save this year’s challenge. Outside of that, I’m falling back on the old mantra about upping my game. This time I mean it.
Colour me disappointed. April, you will not be forgotten; but you will not be mourned.